·What are the differences between the smartphone edition website and the old desktop edition website?
Answer:As we have just began to build the smartphone edition for a short
time ago,so there are many functions of desktop edition can't be seen here.Such as: text chat room, video chat room, MMORPG dating web game, etc.. If you want to experince more, please visit our site's desktop edition. And of course, we will add more functions to our smartphone edition website.
·How to update user's data?
Answer:You can click the "Me"button to turn to that page to find the way to update user's data while you are login.
·How to upload portrait?
Answer:You can click the "Me"button to turn to that page to find the way to upload portrait while you are login.
·How to search?
Answer:You can click the "Search" button in the Homepage while are login(as your user level,maybe some of the options can't be used.).Tip:the search of age in our site maybe different from other sites,that is,e.g. you chose Age "xx"~"Unlimited",the server will deal it as >Age"xx";and if you choose "Unlimited"~Age"xx",the server will deal it as<Age"xx".
·How to user the mailbox in our site?
Answer:You can click the "Me" button in the Homepage to turn to the page and you will find a button leads to mailbox page while you are login.In the mailbox page you can see the new mail count and so on.The left navigation links will lead to the related pages.
Hit the "write mail"button,you can get into the editmail page,and in this page,you can fill the nicknames and other information,also the Cc and Bcc.Tip:if there is any user both in the Cc and Bcc textbox,the server will deal the user as Bcc.Both the Cc and Bcc will be counted as multiple mails.(Free users can't use the Cc or Bcc function,Members can use Cc function,and Vip can use both Cc and Bcc functions)
Tip:If you have filtered some users,you will just can receive their mails in your junk box.Of course,you can get into the filter page to delete to recover the user.
·Free user,Member,Vip's differences?
Answer:In the ahead ranked display in search result aspect: Free user won't be ahead ranked displayed. Member user will be ahead ranked displayed in 5 random member users. VIP user will be ahead ranked displayed in 10 random VIP users.
In the viewing user's contact aspect: Free user can't view. Member user will get view contact times as 20 multiply the count of month he or she pays. The member user may see the mobile phone number, email in Facebook, link of twitter, WeChat ID or ICQ of users, if that was authorized. All these see contact times will expire at the right time.
The VIP user will get view contact times as 30 multiply the count of month he or she pays. The VIP user may see the mobile phone number, email in Facebook, link of twitter, WeChat ID or ICQ of users, if that was authorized. All these see contact times will expire at the right time.
In the mailbox aspect:Free users can automaticly get 10 send mail count and 10 read mail count at the beginning of every month,and the count of last month will expire at the same time.As our site's member,you will get 100 multiply the count of month you pay(both the send and read) and of course include of the count of sending and reading mails as free member,but all these count will expire at the right time. As our site's Vip,you will get unlimited send and read mail count in the months you pay for.
Free users can't use the filter and forward function.Besides that,search function,see detail function will be restricted by user's level.
The contact ways that were written in the mail in site, chatroom, blog, comments, etc. will be filtered, but for Member, Vip (the user who recharged), that won't be filtered.
·How to send and receive actions?
Answer:Send:while you are login,you just need to click"Send a wink" button at the guest page while you are browsing the information of some users.Reveive:there will be a button leads to the poke management page at your personal page,you can send back winks in this page or just delete it,and all this functions are free,so enjoy!
·How to charge?
Answer:You can click the "Me" button in the Homepage to turn to the page and you will find a button leads to the charge page while you are login.In this page,you can choose the user type and fill in the count of months you want to pay.(You have to get a Paypal account before you start to pay.If you haven't a Paypal account,you can follow the step of the page that will popup after you click the "Charge"button.Of course,you can also register an account in the homepage of Paypal(
http://www.paypal.com).And the process is very simple,after that you can charge in our site with your Paypal account.)
·How to contact us?
Answer:you can click the "Contact us"link at the bottom of our site,it will leads to the page to show our latest way to contact us. We are happy to cooperate with you and also like to hear your suggestions or opinions.
·How to get the testing period bonus?
Answer:you can click the link
http://m.boygirlove.com/User/GetTestBonus.aspx, while you are login to turn to that page.
·How to close mail in site notice or action in site notice?
Answer:you can set at mailbox page and action page(poke.aspx).
·How to get back to the page of switch Chinese and Global version?
Answer:you can just click the logo picture to go to that page.
·Friendship prompt:Please use the smartphone's browser to get the best effect of our site.