2011-3-21 Our site update content announcement
2011-3-21 15:22:04
With our unremitting hard work and your thirst for it,finally our new version has come out,so let's celebrate for it first!
So, after that please refresh your internet browser so that you can see the new virson better.Because the cached pictures and other things will disturb you from browse new virson of our site.
So let's see what was updated:
1,Good news, you can continue to get bonus in getbonus.aspx page when your Member or Vip authority is expired.And in the past you can only get bonus for once,so take your time.(Tip:you can get Vip authority after you get Member Authority,and they are not conflict.)
2,The Nickname "test1"~"test12"are created by me for test only,so I have to declare it here.
3,The news part turn to be the type that can slide up and down while you click the title pictures.And there is also a special page to display Rss information(Open for surprise!)
4,At the right side of index page,you can see we added a part to show our site founder,you can see words from me.And you also can leave words to me.When your mouse over my picture,you will get a surprise
,and the message will update at times.Once you click my picture,you can go to my page,so you can write mail and sent a wink and so on...
5,To encourage the users who often login our site,we have add a new part at the bottom of index page,so take the chance to show yourself.
6.We added a game part and ranking list system,hope you like it,and spend more time at our site to relax and break the record set by other plays or yourself.
7,We added a function that when you get a mail or an action from any user in our site,your email will get a notice mail.Of course,you can close the function at the mailbox page or action page as you wish.
8,You can just click the logo picture of our site to get back to the page of switch between Chinse virson and global virson.
9,Update the page of "Myhome.aspx" and "Guest.aspx",you can see someone who just visited your page.
10,In the "AdvanceSearch.aspx" page we added a button for searching the user who uploaded their pictures.(this function is for member only)
11,Added auto login function,to save your time for login.
12,Also,the album page,news page,manual page's style were all changed,hope to hear your suggestions. And the site founder will upload some pictures to his page to let your see the album better.Thank you!And the last,we added some share buttons to some hot SNS web sites at the bottom of the default page(the page that can switch between Chinese and Global virson).If you can share our site to your friend,that will be my pleasure and thank you very much!